It's been a little while, I've missed you. I've been running around like a crazy lady these past couple of weeks. So much good stuff that I can't wait to share with you is coming soon!
Today I am working from my lovely backyard with my fur baby sleeping next to me. It's one of those beautiful days in the PNW that we long for all Winter. So even though I'm working it doesn't feel like it, not to much anyway. And it reminds me that I'm starting to live my dream of location flexibility. Where work doesn't only take place in an office.
All the things that have kept me so busy, that I have stayed committed to this summer, are the same things that are making this dream a reality.
So it got me to thinking, what needs to happen to start making your dream a reality? What steps are you ready to commit to (and sometimes give up a few of the pleasures of life for) in order to create the life you've been imagining? What are you longing for? What dream have you put on the back burner and are now ready to put on the front burner and turn the heat up to make it a reality?
I know these are big questions. Dreaming can be daunting at times because often our critic or planner gets in the way and shuts it down before we can really get clarity about what it is we really, truly, deeply want. Here's where I can help.
Are you ready? Is your heart beating just a teensy bit faster? Maybe feeling a little bit nervous? Good. It's time then. Let's connect. Let's get clarity on your vision and put together an action plan to start you on your journey.
Send me an email with the subject line: I'M READY TO LIVE MY BOLD LIFE! to