I got to spend the weekend with my 4 year-old niece, Grace, and for those who've been with me from the beginning, this same niece offered up a few lessons already. Embrace and express your emotions freely, check. Being present, done. Enjoy the wonders of the world, got it. Well, a year later she had a lot more to teach.
This girl. She knows what she wants and she's gonna stand her ground until she gets it. Some might call this stubborn, but I'm choosing to see her as being BOLD and having BOUNDARIES! She asks for what she wants, very clearly. She stands firmly in her desires, no shrinking violet is this one! And she embraces her worth without question.
How do we teach this out of our girls (and increasingly our boys)??? So many women come to work with me out of a deep desire to embrace their own boldness, (which I think is a key component to easily setting boundaries) and to remember their own worthiness. And yes, I purposefully said "remember". I believe we are all born knowing our worth (exhibit 1: Grace) and we spend a good chunk of the middle of our lives re-remembering our worthiness. And it's there with us when we die. It doesn't ever go anywhere, we just get taught out of knowing it.
I'm going to let you in on a little secret..... I believe our ability to set clear boundaries is in direct correlation to the amount we believe in our worthiness. Intrigued?
Join me for the next Women's Gathering Circle training on JUNE 9TH at 1:00pm PST where we are going to unpack BOUNDARIES!
We are going to learn how to:
- clearly ask for what we want
- quit being a shrinking violet
- embrace our worth without question!
Oh, it's gonna be a good one. Let's embrace our BOLD together!! Just click here to JOIN NOW! And remember, if you've already joined the Circle there is nothing you need to do except show up! If you haven't, DON'T MISS OUT! You will also get access to all the previous trainings as well!
Here's a picture of Grace embracing her inner warrior princess (she gives Wonder Woman a run for her money)!
Be bold everyone!