"The Universe Has Your Back"
So continuing on this journey of bringing in really awesome teachers to keep teaching us how to dream big, let go, choose our thoughts... now we have Gabrielle Bernstein sharing her 5 Steps to Spiritual Surrender.
I've just recently found Gabby's work and I'm drinking it in.She's been a spiritual guide that I was looking for. Getting clear about your dreams, cleaning up your thoughts and then surrendering can feel like an "easier said then done" kind of thing. One of the concepts I love about Gabby's teachings is TRUST. Trusting that a "spirit of your own understanding" has your back. It feels a little safer to me to let go when I trust this.
Now that you have clarity about your dream, have been working on shifting your thoughts and practicing surrendering it's time to TRUST. You will be taken care of.
So keep doing the work. Dig deep in clarifying the dream and what you want to feel and experience in your life. Surrendering that up to allow whatever that may end up looking like to show up. Clean up your thoughts. And now TRUST.
Here we go.
Let's do this together. I am here, ready to support you on this journey. Take the leap for YOU. Reach out. Don't wait. Your dreams are waiting for you.
Email me: livingyourboldlife@gmail.com